por Sebastián Tamblay M., Socio Sochitran Sebastián Tamblay M. El sistema de transporte público Metropolitano, Red de Movilidad, está ad-portas de iniciar la implementación de la nueva licitación de operación... read more →
Lanzamiento de la Mesa de Trabajo Público-Privada DeSAFío del programa Vuelo Limpio por Margarita Amaya T., Socia Sochitran, Editora De izq. a der.: Rosa Riquelme, Directora Ejecutiva de la Agencia... read more →
Andres Fielbaum TU Delft Sergio Jara-Diaz Universidad de Chile; ISCI Javier Alonso-Mora Delft University of Technology Abstract Integrating on-demand services into public transport networks might be the best way to... read more →
FranciscoGarridoValenzuelaa DiegoCruzb MarinaDragicevica AlejandroSchmidta JaimeMoyaa SebastiánTamblaya Juan C.Herreraa Juan C.Muñoza Abstract Congestion is one of the main problems prevalent in surface public transport systems. Congestion affects travel time, service regularity,... read more →
JeffAllenaMatthewPalmb IgnacioTiznado-Aitkenb StevenFarberb Abstract There is growing body of research and practice assessing transportation equity and justice. Commuting is an especially important dimension to study since such frequent, non-discretionary travel,... read more →
VicenteRamírezab PatriciaGalileaab JoaquínPobletecd Hugo E.Silvaadef Abstract Providing the right incentives to bus drivers has become an issue in many cities worldwide. Liberalization experiences and research have shown that high-powered incentives... read more →
MohammadSadrania AlejandroTirachinibc ConstantinosAntonioua Abstract Public transport is considered as one of the most suitable candidates to benefit from autonomous driving technologies. In this research, we develop a mathematical modeling framework... read more →
2014 - Modelo combinado de elección de destino y ruta para un sistema de préstamo de bicicletas, Carlos Melo RDownload
Felipe Delgado Dynamic Multiline Vehicle Dispatching Strategy in Transit Operations Abstract: Providing regularity in buses’ operation in high-frequency services is essential to offer a good quality of service to users.... read more →
Wangwei Wuhttps and Ricardo A. Daziano Abstract Random parameter logit models address unobserved preference heterogeneity in discrete choice analysis. The latent class logit model assumes a discrete heterogeneity distribution, by... read more →