Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken, Matthew Palm, y Steven Farber Abstract Crises are an opportunity to learn, and transportation is no exception. The dramatic reduction in mobility levels during COVID-19, the slow recovery of transit ridership and... read more →
João Pedro Figueira Amorim Parga, Ignacio Tiznado - Aitken, Shaila Jamal, Steven Farber, Anton Yu y Christopher Higgins Abstract Addressing inadequate accessibility in suburban areas is crucial for reducing inequalities in transportation and improving suburbanites’ well-being. Afterall, insufficient accessibility to... read more →
I. Made Sukmayasa, Jaime Soza-Parra & Dick Ettema ABSTRACT Mobility and accessibility challenges faced by adolescents aged 12 to 18 are increasingly recognised. However, research from developing countries often overlooks this... read more →
Jaime Soza-Parra, Oded Cats Abstract An excessive use of private cars for transportation has multiple negative effects on our society. It is therefore paramount to identify the underlying factors driving car usage among... read more →
Diana P. Moreno-Palacio, Carlos A. Gonzalez-Calderon, Héctor López-Ospina, Jhan Kevin Gil-Marin & John Jairo Posada-Henao Abstract This paper presents an improved entropy-based freight tour synthesis (FTS) using fuzzy logic (FL). One approach used in formulating... read more →
Paul Basnak, Ricardo Giesen, y Juan Carlos Muñoz Abstract Although there are various studies that evaluate the optimal design of public transport systems in radial structures, there are few that analyse which urban characteristics are... read more →
Andres Fielbaum, Alejandro Tirachini, Javier Alonso-Mora Abstract Ride-sourcing companies have worsened congestion in numerous cities worldwide, as many users are attracted from more sustainable modes. To reverse this trend, it is crucial to leverage the... read more →
Louis de Grange, Felipe González, Matthieu Marechal, Rodrigo Troncoso Abstract A methodology is developed for obtaining consistent moment estimators of the parameters in probit models that include both exogenous and endogenous variables. The approach is based on... read more →
Ricardo de la Paz Guala, Cristián E. Cortés, Benjamin Heydecker & Pablo A. Rey Abstract In dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) models, it seems relevant to consider the uncertainty inherent to motorist... read more →
Catalina Mendoza Leal, Rocío Coloma, Diego Ponce, Benjamín Alarcón, Maricarmen Guerra, Alejandra Stehr, Juan Antonio Carrasco, Hernán Alcayaga, Octavio Rojas, Felipe Link & Oscar Link ABSTRACT Two behavioural types in sociohydrology... read more →