Jesper Bláfoss Ingvardson, Sebastián Raveau, y Jaime Soza-Parra Abstract Traffic forecasting has traditionally relied solely on characteristics related to services and users. However, recent research has highlighted the importance of considering travellers’ psychological factors in... read more →
Kenan Zhang, Javier Alonso-Mora, Andrés Fielbaum Abstract This study investigates the impact of walking and e-hailing on the scale economies of on-demand mobility services. An analytical framework is developed to i) explicitly characterize the physical... read more →
Juan P Torres, Medical Doctor, PhD, Denis Saure, PhD, Miguel O´Ryan, MD, Marcel Goic, PhD, Charles Thraves, PhD, Natalia Trigo, Ing, Gonzalo Diaz, Ing, Jorge Pacheco, MD, MS, Javiera Burgos, MS, Patricio Aguilera, Ing, Leonardo Basso, Eng, PhD Abstract Background... read more →
Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken, Zehui Yin y Steven Farber Abstract A major challenge in North America’s car-centric suburbs is developing sustainable transportation strategies that align with residents’ diverse needs and preferences. Using a survey of 1,850 residents... read more →
Xiao Fu, Yi Zhang, Juan de Dios Ortúzar & Guonian Lü ABSTRACT We provide a comprehensive review of the literature on inferring activity-travel patterns (ATP) using multi-source big data; the increasing... read more →
Bastián Henríquez-Jara, C. Ángelo Guevara, Marcela Munizaga y Omar D. Pérez Abstract In psychology, choices are influenced by either goal-directed or habitual systems, which are represented by model-based (MB) and model-free (MF) reinforcement learning algorithms. This paper... read more →
first_pagesettingsOrder Article ReprintsOpen AccessArticle Time–Space Analysis of Transport Infrastructures: A Pilot Study of Shibuya-Type Crossings for Signalized Intersections in Developing Cities Sebastián Seriani, Ariel López, Nicolas Ogalde, Gerardo Dureo, Bernardo... read more →
Sebastián Seriani, Vicente Aprigliano, Álvaro Peña, Shirley González, Bernardo Arredondo, Iván Bastías, Emilio Bustos, José Requesens, Ariel López and Taku Fujiyama Abstract Metro stations are essential for daily commuting, but overcrowding... read more →
Bastián Henríquez-Jara, C. Ángelo Guevara & Ángel Jiménez-Molina Abstract In this article, we formulate a hybrid model that allows to identify the triggers of instant utilities using psychophysiological indicators (PPIs). Instant utilities are... read more →
Daniel F. Villarraga y Ricardo A. Daziano Abstract Standard Discrete Choice Models (DCMs) assume that unobserved effects that influence decision-making are independently and identically distributed among individuals. When unobserved effects are spatially... read more →