Denis Sauré, Ignasi Neira, Marcel Goic, Miguel O’Ryan, Juan P. Torres, Alejandro Bruhn, Marcela Ferres, Jenniffer Angulo, Magdalena Vera, Leonardo J. Basso Abstract The 2021 wave of SARS-CoV-2 infection in... read more →
Camila Balbontin, David A. Hensher, Chinh Ho Abstract Freight delivery modelling has made significant progress in the past few decades. In this study we propose to use an aggregate multi-step approach to gain a better... read more →
Marco Batarce, Franco Basso, Leonardo J. Basso Abstract This study examines the relevant flow variables on urban highways in Santiago de Chile. The objective is to contribute to the knowledge of the elasticity of the... read more →
Sebastian Seriani, Pablo Guzman y Taku Fujiyama Abstract The objective of this study is to analyze the occupied space of passengers with reduced mobility when boarding or alighting a train... read more →
Natalia Nieto, Alondra Chamorro, Tomás Echaveguren, Cristián Escauriaza Abstract Studies of recent decades have shown thousands of kilometers of transportation networks that have presented damage or failure from different types... read more →
Gerardo Ortiz-Morales; Tomás Echaveguren, Ph.D.; Pablo Cartes; and Alicia Rivas-Medina, Ph.D. Abstract In existing roads, the geometrical parameters of the alignment are the primary input for safety or geometrical improvement... read more →
Juan P. Cavada, Cristián E. Cortés, Gustavo Henríquez & Pablo A. Rey Abstract A mixed integer linear programming model is presented for personnel planning of ground handling crews at Santiago... read more →
Cristián E. Cortés y Bruno Stefoni AbstractEmergency services play an important role in the life of a city and are subject to constant public scrutiny. The efficient dispatch of emergency... read more →
by Giovanni Vecchio, Bryan Castillo, Rodrigo Villegas , Carolina Rojas Quezada, Stefan Steiniger y Juan Antonio Carrasco Street markets can contribute to food security, since they are a source of... read more →
Lake Sagaris, Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken IntroductionUnderstanding of social sustainability has deepened as concepts of transport justice, mobility and access highlight the importance of health, safety, security, but also human agency, rights... read more →