Ignacio Tiznado Aitken, Matthew Palm, Steven Farber Abstract Transport-related social exclusion describes how a lack of transportation resources hinders participation in society. Time poverty refers to situations in which work and household commitments deprive people... read more →
Leonardo J. Basso, Raúl Pezoa, Hugo E. Silva Abstract We study welfare and the role of absentee landlords’ rent capture in one of the building blocks of urban economics: the monocentric city model. If only a... read more →
Matthieu Marechal, Louis de Grange Abstract An optimization model is developed to solve the deterministic traffic assignment problem under congested transport networks with cost functions that have an asymmetric Jacobian. The... read more →
Ricardo de la Paz Guala, Cristián E. Cortés, Benjamín Heydecker & Pablo A. Rey Abstract In dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) models, it seems relevant to consider the uncertainty inherent to motorist... read more →
Marco Batarce Abstract This article proposes a method to estimate disaggregated discrete choice models with errors in the variables. The objective is to estimate the discrete choice models' coefficients to compute... read more →
Tenemos el enorme agrado de entregar el primer número de nuestra revista Estudios de Transporte (EDTR), correspondiente al año 2024. En la serie Sistemas de Transporte, estamos publicando el novedoso... read more →
Chiu, A., Angulo, G., & Larraín, H. (2024). Optimizing the long-term costs of an Inventory Routing Problem using linear relaxation. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 183, 103447.... read more →
por Rodrigo Fernández, Profesor Titular, Facultad de Ingeniería y Cs. Aplicadas, U. de los Andes y Director de SOCHITRAN Es sabido en la ingeniería de transporte que las intersecciones son... read more →
por Ariel López, socio Sochitran, Dr(c) en Territorio, Espacio y Sociedad de U. de Chile. Miembro del Instituto Ferroviario y consejero del Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Territorial. Se ha especializado... read more →
El jueves 18 de julio de 2024, se llevó a cabo un plenario con el Ministro de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones y socio, Sr. Juan Carlos Muñoz, con el propósito de... read more →