Andrés Fielbaum, Sergio Jara-Díaz & Javier Alonso-Mora Abstract Integrating on-demand services into public transport networks might be the best way to face the current situation in which these new technologies have increased congestion... read more →
Paolo Latorre, Héctor López-Ospina, Sebastián Maldonado, C. Angelo Guevara, Juan Pérez Abstract Employee turnover significantly impacts organizations, particularly those with substantial investments in training their workforce. To mitigate these effects, we propose a Prescriptive Human Resources Analytics approach that... read more →
David A. Hensher, Camila Balbontín, Matthew J. Beck, Edward Wei Abstract As COVID-19 slowly dissipated after 30 months since March 2020, working from home (WFH) continues to be popular, with support from notable numbers of employees and employers.... read more →
Sebastián Henríquez, Juan Antonio Carrasco & Sebastián Astroza ABSTRACT This paper assesses the importance of incorporating care dimensions into activity-travel segmentation to understand daily life mobility strategies. The data came from... read more →
Alexander Tabascio, Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken, Christopher Higgins, Steven Farber Abstract Marginalized communities usually experience inadequate public transport services in North America. Within these communities, buses play a vital role in everyday activity participation. Unfortunately, transport services that may... read more →
David A. Hensher, Edward Wei, Wen Liu, Camila Balbontín Abstract There is growing interest in recognising the role that active and micro-mobility modes play in the full suite of modal-based activities. While the idea of the ’next... read more →
Yu-Tong Cheng, Patrícia S. Lavieri, Ana Luiza Santos de Sá, Sebastian Astroza Abstract The evolution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has transformed how, where, and when work activities are performed. Additionally, the work-from-home (WFH) culture has... read more →
Alejandro Tirachini, Francisca Inostroza, Rodrigo Mora, Daniela Cuevas, Diego Fuchser Abstract In this paper, we present a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach to analyse the multiple dimensions of the barrier effect caused by the removal of all at-level pedestrian crossings on... read more →
Dario Farren, Ricardo Giesen, Luis Ignacio Rizzi Abstract Empty trucks have a significant impact on the efficiency and sustainability of logistics operations, accounting for a substantial portion of the intercity truck flow, ranging from 15% to 40%. While... read more →
Camila Balbontín, Presidenta y socia. Ariel López, socio. Fuente: El Mercurio de Valparaíso.