Ignacio Tiznado Aitken, Giovanni Vecchio, Rodrigo Mora, Lucaz Gonzalez &Catalina Marshall ABSTRACT Mobility-related social inequalities are receiving increasing attention from planning research and practice. Nevertheless, research seems to have a limited... read more →
Maximilian Kronmüller, Andrés Fielbaum & Javier Alonso-Mora ABSTRACT We study routing for on-demand last-mile logistics with two crucial novel features: i) Multiple depots, optimizing where to pick-up every order, ii) Allowing... read more →
Sergio Jara-Diaz, Monserrat Morales & Sebastian Astroza Abstract Using the only national time use survey in Chilean cities (2015) we analyze the weekly assignment of time of individuals, aimed at revealing the hierarchy... read more →
Jaime Soza-Parra , Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken , Juan Carlos Muñoz Abstract Several approaches have been proposed and adopted by researchers and decision-makers to improve and deal with public transport operation issues, especially travel demand management (TDM) measures. Disruptions... read more →
Vicente Aprigliano ,Gabriel Teixeira Barros ,Marcos Vinicius Silva Maia Santos ,Catalina Toro ,Gonzalo Rojas ,Sebastian Seriani ,Marcelino Aurelio Vieira da Silva and Ualison Rébula de Oliveira Abstract Sustainable mobility and transport are topics that have been rising... read more →
Ariel López, Anibal Tapia and Sebastian Seriani Abstract The behavior of passengers in urban railway stations (i.e., metro stations) is dependent on environmental, cultural, and temporal factors. This affects how escalator... read more →
José Correa, Andrés Cristi, Andrés Fielbaum, Tristan Pollner & S. Matthew Weinberg Abstract We consider a fundamental pricing problem in combinatorial auctions. We are given a set of indivisible items and a set of buyers... read more →
Göran Smith, David A. Hensher, Chinh Ho & Camila Balbontin Abstract The positive effects that Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is envisioned to have on transport can only be reaped if people are using MaaS. Yet, the... read more →
Andrew Daly, Stephane Hess, Juan de Dios Ortúzar Abstract The estimation of indicators of willingness-to-pay (WTP) and the computation of associated measures of uncertainty have attracted much interest in the general area of choice modelling,... read more →
Jacqueline Arriagada, Claudio Mena, Marcela Munizaga & Daniel Schwartz Abstract Transport data is crucial for transport planning and operations. Collecting high-quality data has long been challenging due to the difficulty of achieving adequate spatiotemporal... read more →