Xiaobo Qu, Jonas Eliasson, Zuo-Jun Max Shen, Fang He, Juan de Dios Ortúzar & Kai Wang In recent years, rapid urbanization, population growth, and increasing concerns about climate change have led to a growing demand for... read more →
Muchlis Muchlisin, Jaime Soza-Parra & Dick Ettema Abstract The study aims to assess the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on travel and out-of-home activity by analyzing primary data collected from ride-hailing... read more →
Sergio Jara-Diaz & Esteban Muñoz-Paulsen Abstract Investment in urban public transportation involves strategic decisions regarding the organization of transit lines in the urban space and the choice of their technology in addition... read more →
Paolo Latorre, Héctor López-Ospina, Sebastián Maldonado, C. Angelo Guevara, Juan Pérez Abstract Employee turnover significantly impacts organizations, particularly those with substantial investments in training their workforce. To mitigate these effects, we propose a Prescriptive Human Resources Analytics approach that... read more →
Andrés Fielbaum, Baiba Pudāne Abstract Simulation studies suggest that Shared Automated Vehicles (SAVs) could reduce the total vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT) thanks to efficiently pooling multiple users in one vehicle. However, mode choice... read more →
El martes 10 de diciembre se llevo a cabo el tercer plenario Sochitran, donde se conversó sobre los Alcances de las metodologías de evaluación social de proyectos en el marco del Sistema Nacional... read more →
Rodrigo Fernández. Director Sochitran Fuente: El Merccurio.
Con mucho orgullo felicitamos a: Marcela Munizaga, Vicedecana de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile, quien fue elegida "miembro de número" de la Academia... read more →
Con mucho orgullo felicitamos a Juan de Dios Ortúzar, profesor emérito de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, y a Sergio Jara-Díaz, académico de la Universidad de Chile, quienes ocuparon... read more →
Henríquez-Jara, B., Guevara, C. A., Munizaga, M., & Pérez, O. D. (2025). Habits and the subexploration of better transportation options: A dual-system approach. Travel Behaviour and Society, 38, 100877. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100877... read more →