Kamille LeClair , Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken , Willem Klumpenhouwer , Steven Farber Abstract Project prioritization is a form of decision analysis that helps practitioners establish priorities when allocating limited funding. Cities and transit agencies have been increasingly interested in adding environmental and equity... read more →
Eduardo Allen,Seosamh B. Costello,Theunis F. P. Henning,Alondra Chamorro &Tomás Echaveguren Abstract Transportation asset management is a systematic process for the operation, maintenance, and upgrade of physical transportation assets over their life... read more →
Ricardo Daziano , Wiktor Budziński Abstract In this study, we employ a choice experiment to study individual preferences for COVID-19 vaccines in the US. A unique characteristic of the microdata (N = 5671) is that the... read more →
John D. Nelson , Camila Balbontin , David A. Hensher , Matthew Beck Abstract Travel Demand Management (TDM) initiatives are widely applied by transport planners to establish and enable appropriate use of critical transport infrastructure. Less attention has been given... read more →
Jose J. Soto , Luis I. Rizzi , Juan de Dios Ortúzar Abstract Estimating the value of non-market goods, such as reductions in mortality risks due to traffic accidents or air pollution, is typically done using... read more →
Bobin Wang , E.O.D. Waygood , Xun Ji , Hamed Naseri , Alex L. Loiselle , Ricardo A. Daziano , Zachary Patterson , Matthew Feinberg Abstract A critical aspect of climate policy is effective communication about greenhouse gas emissions (GHG-E) themselves. However, since attitudes towards climate change vary by different segments of... read more →
Cristián E. Cortés, Pedro Donoso, Leonel Gutiérrez, Daniel Herl, Diego Muñoz Abstract A strategic public transport equilibrium model is developed that considers each user's trip decision, covering the choices of access stop, mode and line, alighting stop, and transfer or egress.... read more →
Yerly Martínez-Estupiñan, Felipe Delgado, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Kari E. Watkins Abstract Fleet control operation tools for high frequency bus service seek to maintain headway regularity between consecutive vehicles. Almost always, these tools suggest a series of control... read more →
Cristián E. Cortés, Cristiam Gil, Antonio Gschwender, Pablo A. Rey Abstract We study the bus synchronization timetabling problem (BST) including bus dwelling times, motivated by the night shift of the transit system operating in Santiago-Chile. The operation... read more →
Elnaz Yousefzadeh Barri, Steven Farber, Hadi Jahanshahi, Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken &Eda Beyazit Abstract Clustering activity patterns and identifying homogeneous travel behaviour through trip chain sequences offer valuable insight for transportation planners and... read more →