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Henríquez-Jara, B., Guevara, C. A., Munizaga, M., & Pérez, O. D. (2025). Habits and the subexploration of better transportation options: A dual-system approach. Travel Behaviour and Society, 38, 100877. read more →
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Natan Waintrub, Peter Jones & Nick Tyler (13 Aug 2024): Children and young people’s unaccompanied mobility: the role of the built and social environments in an unequal Latin American Metropolis,... read more →
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Martínez-Estupiñan, Y., Delgado, F., & Muñoz, J. C. (2024). Headway regularity as an attribute for classifying bus drivers. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 1–24. - Cuál es el gap que buscaban... read more →
Moller, M. y Raveau, S. (2024) Behavioural modelling of metro car choice. Transportation Research Part A 180, 103970. - ¿Cuál es la brecha que buscaban resolver y por qué es... read more →