Ricardo de la Paz Guala, Cristián E. Cortés, Benjamin Heydecker & Pablo A. Rey Abstract In dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) models, it seems relevant to consider the uncertainty inherent to motorist... read more →
Catalina Mendoza Leal, Rocío Coloma, Diego Ponce, Benjamín Alarcón, Maricarmen Guerra, Alejandra Stehr, Juan Antonio Carrasco, Hernán Alcayaga, Octavio Rojas, Felipe Link & Oscar Link ABSTRACT Two behavioural types in sociohydrology... read more →
Camila Balbontin, David A. Hensher & Matthew J. Beck Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the way we live and travel, possibly for many years to come. The ‘New Normal’ seems to be... read more →
David A. Hensher, Matthew J. Beck y Camila Balbontin Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the world of work. With growing support and preference revelation from both employees and employers,... read more →
por Alejandro Tirachini. Académico Universidad de Twente y Universidad de Chile, Socio SOCHITRAN Millones de personas tienen acceso a un automóvil en la palma de la mano, sin necesidad de... read more →
por José Manuel Fernández Nalda. Profesor de Gestión Portuaria, Departamento de Ingeniería de Transporte y Logística PUC, Socio – Director de FDC Consultores. Los puertos de carga general son sistemas... read more →
Xiaobo Qu, Jonas Eliasson, Zuo-Jun Max Shen, Fang He, Juan de Dios Ortúzar & Kai Wang In recent years, rapid urbanization, population growth, and increasing concerns about climate change have led to a growing demand for... read more →
Muchlis Muchlisin, Jaime Soza-Parra & Dick Ettema Abstract The study aims to assess the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on travel and out-of-home activity by analyzing primary data collected from ride-hailing... read more →
Sergio Jara-Diaz & Esteban Muñoz-Paulsen Abstract Investment in urban public transportation involves strategic decisions regarding the organization of transit lines in the urban space and the choice of their technology in addition... read more →
Paolo Latorre, Héctor López-Ospina, Sebastián Maldonado, C. Angelo Guevara, Juan Pérez Abstract Employee turnover significantly impacts organizations, particularly those with substantial investments in training their workforce. To mitigate these effects, we propose a Prescriptive Human Resources Analytics approach that... read more →