Yixue Zhang, Steven Farber, Mischa Young, Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken, Timothy Ross
People with disabilities (PWD) represent the largest minority group in Canada. Many municipalities have implemented paratransit services and subsidized accessible taxi services to provide affordable and equitable transport choices for PWD. However, few scholars have examined who is using these services and how they use them, making it challenging to assess the social impacts of paratransit projects. This study helps to address this knowledge gap through its examination of the differences in travel behaviour among PWD who use accessible taxi services in Toronto, Canada. Specifically, our study engages four research questions: (1) who are accessible taxi service users? (2) how are individuals using accessible taxi services? (3) are there different groups of users based on their travel behaviour? and, (4) how has travel behaviour changed in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic?